Sociedad Vinícola Villalba, S.L. (hereinafter, Bodegas Viña Real), dedicated to the elaboration, aging, bottling and commercialisation of wines covered by the D.O. Ribera del Duero a quality, ethical, environmental and food safety policy for its production center:
Bodegas Viña Real Laguardia (Álava)
This policy focuses on the adoption of an Integrated Management System based on the BRC protocol that involves, in its implementation and daily development, all the people who work in the company. In turn, it provides the system, for its efficient operation, with the necessary human, technical and economic resources that will ensure the production of quality wines.
The basic principles on which Bodegas Viña Real relies for the definition of this Policy are as follows:
The management of the company is committed to implement and revise all the principles and pillars of this Policy, incorporating all the necessary improvements in periodic reviews, and ensures that all employees, suppliers and subcontractors know, understand and respect this Policy, making it public through talks and exposing it on bulletin boards, also being available to the general public.
In Laguardia, March 4th 2024